Meet Our Newest Dietitian

We couldn’t be more excited for Dallas Nutritional Counseling and this new journey. Our newest team member is, Alex Leibold. Alex Leibold is a registered dietitian that specializes in eating disorders, intuitive eating, and more. We have a detailed biography about Alex at the bottom of our about page. Click the button below to go read!

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Featured In: InStyle Article - Eating Disorders Are Surging

I had the honor of being interviewed and quoted in the InStyle article, Eating Disorders are Surging, and They Won't Stop When COVID Does by Iris Goldsztajn. #dallasnutritionalcounseling #eatingdisorderdietitian #caseybonanoRD #eatingdisorderrecovery

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Tips for a Happy Valentine's Day

Nowadays, Valentine’s isn’t just one day to show your significant other you love them. No no, it has become an entire affair. Similar to Halloween, once February rolls in the grocery stores are stocked with chocolates, candy, drinks, flowers, and all decor red and pink! Read and learn how to have a mindful and lovely valentine’s holiday.

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Rethinking Our Resolutions

Happy New Year! I hope 2021 kicked off to a good start.

It is common practice at the beginning of each year to sit and think of all the changes you want to make to your life, your body, your friendships, your job, create new hobbies, improve old skills, etcetera. It is also common that these New Years resolutions fail before January even ends. This is why you need to read the She Knows article about weight loss resolutions for the new year tagged below. I have had the privilege to be quoted in another one of the talented, Iris Goldsztajn’s work. The article talks about why most all weight loss oriented resolutions end in failure because of the inherit failure of these fad diets. It goes in deeper to explain how dieting leads to weight cycling and how the dieting industry can lure you and trap you in your dieting mindset. But do not be discouraged! Iris ends with great ways to be mindful about your weight loss goals.

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What You Need to Know Before Making Weight Loss Resolutions In 2021

If you want to read more of Iris Goldsztajn’s work, click on her picture here!

Surviving the Holiday Dinner Table

The holiday rush begins with Halloween and does not really slow until after the new year. Media, marketing, and cultural messages pertaining to the festivities begin to flood our lives. On one hand we are encouraged to pig out on candy, stuff ourselves with pie, but then we are told to vow complete change in habits and become the best (looking) version of ourselves. What a confusing roller coaster of sentiment….

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Featured In: SheKnows Article-Diet Talk Will Happen Whether We Like It or Not

Last month, I had the honor of being interviewed and quoted in the article, Diet Talk Will Happen Whether We Like It or Not — But Here’s How to Make Your Peace With It by Iris Goldsztajn. We define diet talk, talk about how common diet talk is, and we try to understand how harmful the consistent diet talk can be in our everyday life and ways to respond to diet talk.

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4 Ways We Can Serve You

As a practice, we work our hardest to provide every person that comes through our doors (or now into our Zoom calls) to the best of our abilities. Over time we have built up many resources for each individual to find what works for them. So, I wanted to take the time to outline our services we provide as a practice.

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Tips for a Healthy and Happy Halloween

Even though Halloween itself is just one day, it has become an entire ‘season’. The decoration, movies, and candy all hitting the stores months in advance, making it all that much more challenging. I know that the intimidation, fear, and temptation of the overflowing candy bowls can be a huge struggle for most people, so here are some quick tips to help you enjoy your Halloween season this year.

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Who We Are and What We Believe

As a practice we are passionate about helping people achieve their healthiest and happiest selves, and we rely on our rooted philosophy in Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size to do so. I am sure you have probably heard me mention Intuitive Eating (IE) and Health at Every Size (HAES) at some point, but I want to intentionally take the time to explain to you what those approaches actually are and how they make us the practice we’ve become.

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Featured on The F*ck It Diet Podcast - Let's Talk About Bingeing

The F*ck It Diet Podcast with Caroline Dooner, Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDRD #dallasnutritionalcounseling #balancedeating #caseybonanord #dallasrd #dietitian #nutritionist #nondiet #intuitiveeating #foodforthought #whyshouldipodcast #thefoodfreedomguide #podcast #dallasdietitian #mentalhealth #thearpy #thefuckitdiet

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