Tips for a Healthy and Happy Halloween

Even though Halloween itself is just one day, it has become an entire ‘season’. The decoration, movies, and candy all hitting the stores months in advance, making it all that much more challenging. I know that the intimidation, fear, and temptation of the overflowing candy bowls can be a huge struggle for most people, so here are some quick tips to help you enjoy your Halloween season this year.


First, I want to remind you of the 5 tips I shared last year on Halloween, which are still helpful and applicable. So please go click the button below to read the blog!

Halloween is More Than Candy: Even though a lot of the fun of Halloween is trick-or-treating and collecting as much candy as your old pillow case can carry, something that can be helpful for you and your family is to find different activities to celebrate this season. For example, go to a pumpkin patch and carve pumpkins together (even roast the pumpkin seeds for a fun healthy treat!), go to a corn maze, go to a haunted house, instead serve the candy at your house, or donate some of your collected candy to local shelters.


Happy Halloween and stay safe!