Therapy Thoughts - Angela Harris Counseling at Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Setting Boundaries
Read MoreNow Licensed and Providing Nutrition Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment in Arkansas
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is Now Licensed and Providing Nutrition Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment in Arkansas - Rebecca Tilden MCN, RD, LD, CEDS
Read MoreWhere We Provide Nutrition Services
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas-based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, and body image. We provide both in-person and virtual services in the state of Texas and nationally. We provide tele-health services in many states across the United States.
Read MoreFree Download - Body Awareness Meditation
Body Awareness Guided Meditation - Dallas Nutritional Counseling: This 7-minute guided meditation can help you decrease stress and anxiety. You can do this meditation seated or lying down, just make sure you are fully supported and comfortable.
Read MoreSteal Our Step-by-step Eating Disorder Recovery Plan
Steal Our Step-By-Step Eating Disorder Recovery Plan - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Registered Dietitians and Eating Disorder Specialists
Read MoreTherapy Thoughts - The Difference Between OCD and Anxiety
Therapy Thoughts - Angela Harris Counseling at Dallas Nutritional Counseling, The Difference Between OCD and Anxiety
Read MoreSurviving Summer: Taking Care of Your Body (and Body Image) in the Hotter Months
Surviving Summer: Taking Care of Your Body (and Body Image) in the Hotter Months - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Registered Dietitians and Eating Disorder Specialists helping individuals heal their body image.
Read MoreDallas Nutritional Counseling is Moving - New Office Location Starting June 1st
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is Moving - New Office Location Starting June 1st. I am so excited to share we are moving offices! We will be seeing clients in person at a new location here in Dallas as of June 1st. If you are a current client no worries, we are only a short drive from our old office. We are excited to be centrally located in the middle of Dallas just off of Hillcrest and 635.
Read MoreWhy Willpower Isn't the Answer
Why Willpower Isn’t the Answer - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDRD #dallasnutritionalcounseling #dallasdietitian #antidiet #caseybonanord #nondietapproach #nondietdietitian #intuitiveeating #nutrition #dietitian #dallasdietitian #eatingdisorder #disorderedeating #recovery #hope #mindfuleating
Read MoreTips for a Happy Valentine's Day
Similar to Halloween, once February rolls in the grocery stores are stocked with chocolates, candy, drinks, flowers, and all decor red and pink! Read and learn how to have a mindful and lovely Valentine’s holiday.
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