Now Offering Group Nutrition Therapy
We are so excited to add group nutrition therapy to our services.
Meal Support Group:
Currently we have a weekly virtual meal support group on Tuesdays at 12pm CST with Tess Patterson MS, RD, LD. This group is for patients who are actively working towards recovery. This group is a great way to increase support at an outpatient level of care. We work with your already existing team to provide more structure and accountability to help you complete your meal plan, decrease anxiety around eating, work on challenge foods, and so much more. Each session is $40 or you can buy packages of 4 ($140) or 8 ($280). You can purchase a session or package and register by clicking the button below.
Parent & Loved Support Group:
We also have virtual parent & loved one support group the second Thursday of every month at 7pm CST with Alex Leibold MS, RD, LD. This group is for parents, spouses, loved ones, significant others, family members or friends of someone with an eating disorder. The patient does not attend the group. This will be the support person’s safe space to process, ask questions, and receive your own support through your loved one’s recovery process. Each group is $60 per family per session. Each group is an open group. It is not a series so you can register for the next one or come to as many as you would like.