Body positivity was created to address the way body image influences mental health and overall well-being. However, there are a few problems with body positivity. According to Psychologist Susan Albers, Psy.D., “body positivity is a subset of toxic positivity. Some feel that it blames people for how they feel based on their mindset. It can also push people into trying to feel something that they don’t.” Although the intentions behind body positivity is admirable, unconditionally loving one’s body can seem unrealistic, because many people report being unhappy about themselves. Another criticism of body positivity is that it can be non-inclusive to people of color, disabled, and LGBTQIA+ communities. Body images that are often portrayed in body-positive messages still conform to a specific beauty ideal.
Read MoreCasey Bonano Featured in The Dallas Morning News
Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C Featured in The Dallas Morning News
Registered dietitian, eating disorder expert, and owner of Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C interviewed by journalist at The Dallas Morning News discussing diet culture around holidays.
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The holiday rush begins with Halloween and does not really slow until after the new year. Media, marketing, and cultural messages pertaining to the festivities begin to flood our lives. On one hand we are encouraged to pig out on candy, stuff ourselves with pie, but then we are told to vow complete change in habits and become the best (looking) version of ourselves. What a confusing roller coaster of sentiment….
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Registered dietitian, eating disorder expert, and owner of Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C, and sports dietitian McKayla Mazziotti were recently interviewed by a journalist at Medical Daily discussing Binge Eating Disorder.
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Dallas Nutritional Counseling is Now Licensed and Providing Nutrition Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment in Louisiana - Rebecca Tilden MCN, RD, LD, CEDS
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Therapy Thoughts - Angela Harris Counseling at Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Setting Boundaries
Read MoreNow Licensed and Providing Nutrition Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment in Arkansas
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is Now Licensed and Providing Nutrition Counseling and Eating Disorder Treatment in Arkansas - Rebecca Tilden MCN, RD, LD, CEDS
Read More5 Tips for Surviving the Halloween Candy Bowl
Surviving The Halloween Candy Bowl - Food For Thought - Dallas Nutritional Counseling #caseybonanoRD #dallasnutritionalcounseling #dallasdietitian #DFWRD #halloween #survivingthecandybowl #intuitiveeating #nondietnutrition #carbfatpro
Read MoreWhere We Provide Nutrition Services
Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas-based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, and body image. We provide both in-person and virtual services in the state of Texas and nationally. We provide tele-health services in many states across the United States.
Read MoreFree Download - Body Awareness Meditation
Body Awareness Guided Meditation - Dallas Nutritional Counseling: This 7-minute guided meditation can help you decrease stress and anxiety. You can do this meditation seated or lying down, just make sure you are fully supported and comfortable.
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