Steal Our Step-by-step Eating Disorder Recovery Plan

Steal Our Step-By-Step Eating Disorder Recovery Plan - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Registered Dietitians and Eating Disorder Specialists

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Meet Our Founder - Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C

Casey has over a twelve years of experience in the eating disorder field including residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient levels of care. She then went on to establish her own private practice and has been serving the Dallas eating disorder community ever since. This past February Dallas Nutritional Counseling celebrated their 10th anniversary.

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Intuitive Eating for Healing Your Relationship With Food & Your Body

Intuitive Eating is a non-diet approach that allows individuals to create a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body. Intuitive Eating was established by Evelyn Tribole MS, RD and Elyse Resch MS, RDN, and is frequently used in treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting. Intuitive Eating is a practical approach to normalizing your relationship with food and freeing yourself from the dieting mentality.

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Meet Our Dietitian And Eating Disorder Expert Megan Good RD, LD, CEDS

Megan Good RD, LD, CEDS is a highly sought after eating disorder dietitian with extensive experience at every level of care. Megan has capacity to take on new clients at this time and is scheduling both in-person and virtual sessions. Megan specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, Intuitive Eating, body image, life transitions, and college age clients.

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3 Food Swaps for Eating Disorder Recovery

3 Food Swaps for Eating Disorder Recovery by eating disorder experts at Dallas Nutritional Counseling. Over the course of treatment we may suggest adding in, swapping or taking out certain foods for various reasons. Each phase of recovery has unique nutritional requirements. Sometimes these requirements are based on needs, GI health, medical needs, or more psychological concerns.

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