3 Signs You are under eating in eating disorder recovery
So you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve had enough both mentally and physically. You can’t do it anymore.
You take steps towards recovery and healing your relationship with food, but you find yourself stuck.
Did you know it could be because you are still under eating?
Here are some signs you may be under eating in eating disorder recovery even though you don’t realize it…
1. You are thinking about food A LOT.
Once you are fully fed you should only need to think about food before a meal, during a meal, and when grocery shopping. If you find yourself thinking about food outside of that it may mean you are still under eating. An underfed brain makes you think about food.
2. You still feel anxious when eating certain foods.
This may mean you aren’t eating these foods often enough and/or consistently.
3. You are afraid of over eating.
Every human has moments where they eat a couple bites too many or even more than a couple bites. It’s a normal experience. If you are still afraid of over eating it may subconsciously be causing you to limit, restrict, or hold back with food. Also, you may not be getting to a point of satisfaction at your meals.
Feeling like you need more support? You don’t have to do it alone. Visit the button below to schedule with one of our dietitians.
Before using fitness devices and apps, ask yourself whether your motive is related to body dissatisfaction or health. Being self-aware of your feelings can help you recognize if using a health tracker is impacting you in a positive or negative way. If you notice that you are obsessed with tracking and it is interfering with your life, you may want to listen to your body instead. Your body has the ability to tell you what foods and movements feel right for you. When you implement mindful eating and movement, these parts of your life become much more flexible and enjoyable.