Dietitian Casey Bonano Featured on Meritt Elizabeth Recovery
Registered dietitian, eating disorder expert, and owner of Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C, was recently interviewed by a local eating disorder recovery coach Merrit Elizabeth discussing recovery from Anorexia.
Recovery From Anorexia: Tips From Acclaimed Nutrition Expert Casey bonano
The article discusses the progression of nutrition rehabilitation at all levels of care, why individuals struggling with eating disorders need a specifically trained dietitian, the problem with nutrition influencers, orthorexia and how it is connected to anorexia, prevention in the school setting, and so much more. To read the full article please click below.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating and want to work with one of our dietitians please reach out to our office via the contact page or schedule an appointment online.
Registered dietitian, eating disorder expert, and owner of Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C, was recently interviewed by a local eating disorder recovery coach Merrit Elizabeth discussing recovery from Anorexia.
Exposure therapy is when a practitioner creates a safe environment where an individual can be exposed to items or situations that they fear or avoid. During exposures, the individual works to create new, more realistic belief systems about their fears.1 As daunting as exposure therapy may sound, it can also be an empowering experience. Participants learn that they have the power to confront their fears and manage their feelings of anxiety.