So You Think You Have a Binge Eating Problem…
Everyone thinks they have a bingeing problem and they really have a restricting problem. The number one reason people binge is they are restricting at some point. So in order to stop binging, you have to stop restricting.
Here are a couple other tips to stop binge eating…
- Avoid going long periods of time without eating. When you go long periods of time without eating you get too hungry. Then when you start eating you eating really fast and usually end up too full.
- Eat more earlier in the day. I see this wayyyyy too often. People not eating enough during the day trying to save up for dinner. This is a pretty sure way to feel out of control at night with food. Try to eat large enough meals at breakfast and lunch and include an afternoon snack. This way you’re not too hungry going into your last meal.
How to Stop Binge Eating - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Advice from a Registered Dietitian and Eating Disorder Specialist
How to Stop Binge Eating - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Advice from a Registered Dietitian and Eating Disorder Specialist
Our owner, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDS-C, was honored to join hosts of Parenting for the Present Podcast on discussing nutrition, feeding families, and eating disorders.