NEW GROUP: Parent & Loved One Virtual Support Group

Parent & Loved One Support Group

Supporting someone with an eating disorder can be difficult. Join one of our clinicians as we help you navigate your loved one's recovery journey, meal plan, the refeeding process, addressing behaviors in real time, and so much more.

This group is for parents, spouses, loved ones, significant others, family members or friends of someone with an eating disorder. This will be your safe space to process, ask the questions, and receive your own support through this process.

The support group is offered the second Thursday of each month at 7pm CST. The cost is $60 per session per family so if multiple support people would like to attend they only need to pay once. The group will have a maximum of 10 people to ensure there is ample time for everyone to participate.

Pre-registration is required and the group is open to those in and out-of-state. Feel free to register for one session or come to all sessions offered. We would love to see you there!

Click the button below to register for the group.