New Favorite Recipe: Tomato Poached Halibut with Chile Oil
I think I have been saying this for a month, but I have been in a meal planning and food rut. I’ve lacked inspiration and motivation to think outside the box and create different vibrant dishes. I’ve been sticking to the basics, which is also totally fine, but gets a little boring. My food inspiration tends to ebb and flow so I know this is just a phase and soon I’ll feel more creative.
One way I try to jump start getting out of food ruts is very intentionally finding a new recipe. Luckily my good friend shared this New York Times Cooking recipe and man it was delicious.
Tomato poached halibut with chili oil - topped with mint, cilantro, and lime juice. This spicy, tomato based broth was perfect to soak up with tortillas. Comment below with how you deal with the food ruts.
Check out my other week night dinner recipes.
Tomato Poached Halibut with Chile Oil Casey Bonano RD LD, Dallas Nutritional Counseling #dallasnutritionalcounseling #balancedeating #homecooking #quickrecipes #easyrecipe #weeknightrecipe #carbfatpro #quickeasyrecipe #balancedeating #intuitiveeating #summerrecipe #summerrecipes #tomatopoachedhalibut #fishrecipes #nytcooking #nytcookingrecipe
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