5 Ways to Deal with Diet-Obsessed People in Your Life - Dallas Nutritional Counseling is a Dallas based private practice specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting through an Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size approach.
Read MoreFree Recovery Resources
Creating a healthy relationship with food and body takes time. As much as we would like for recovery to be a linear progression, it’s just not realistic because of the psychological aspect to it. Even well into recovery, life’s curveballs have a way of opening the doors for disordered thoughts to creep in. Our goal is to help you learn how to identify and process these thoughts in real-time to prevent them growing.
Read MoreNEDAwareness Week 2022
Happy National Eating Disorders Awareness Week! NEDAwareness Week is a great time for family and friends to learn about eating disorders and show support of their loved one’s battle. This year’s theme is See the Change, Be the Change. We believe the best way to destigmatize eating disorders is by spreading awareness. If you aren’t sure how to get a conversation started, keep reading for talking points you can use to help clear up common eating disorder misconceptions.
Read MoreTips for a Happy Valentine's Day
Nowadays, Valentine’s isn’t just one day to show your significant other you love them. No no, it has become an entire affair. Similar to Halloween, once February rolls in the grocery stores are stocked with chocolates, candy, drinks, flowers, and all decor red and pink! Read and learn how to have a mindful and lovely Valentine’s holiday.
Read MoreFeatured in Shape Magazine Article - What Is Body Neutrality, Exactly?
Recently, Casey had the privilege of being quoted in the Shape magazine article, “What Is Body Neutrality, Exactly?” Written by Iris Goldsztajn, the article discusses how the body positivity movement is primarily concerned with accepting your appearance while body neutrality is more about viewing your body in a holistic manner.
Read MoreDebunking Diet Culture
Debunking Diet Culture: A 6-Week Group to Start Healing Your Relationship With Food & Your Body
Join registered dietitian Tess Patterson to decode and break down diet culture’s sneaky lies and begin to embrace the freedom that comes with inclusivity and liberation of food rules.
Read MoreThe Year of Mental Health
It’s that time of year again when people start looking at their lives and thinking about what they want to improve. We’ve all heard someone say, “New year, new me.” Something about the start of a new year gives people hope of a fresh start. Year after year people make resolutions focused on physical changes such as cutting out sugar, losing weight, and exercising more. So why do only 8% of people stick to their resolutions?
Read MoreSocial Media and Body Image
Social media is a fundamental form of communication for so many of us. Especially after living through a pandemic, we can all agree that it has provided a unique way to connect with others. While there are many positive outcomes of social media, it’s also important to recognize and address the potential harms, including a negative body image.
Read More10 Tips to Surviving the Holiday Dinner Table
The holiday rush begins with Halloween and does not really slow until after the new year. Media, marketing, and cultural messages pertaining to the festivities begin to flood our lives. On one hand we are encouraged to pig out on candy, stuff ourselves with pie, but then we are told to vow complete change in habits and become the best (looking) version of ourselves. What a confusing roller coaster of sentiment….
Read MoreWhy Willpower Isn't the Answer
Why Willpower Isn’t the Answer - Dallas Nutritional Counseling, Casey Bonano RD, LD, CEDRD #dallasnutritionalcounseling #dallasdietitian #antidiet #caseybonanord #nondietapproach #nondietdietitian #intuitiveeating #nutrition #dietitian #dallasdietitian #eatingdisorder #disorderedeating #recovery #hope #mindfuleating
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