Recently I started a new hobby...gardening. Well, what I should really call it is 7 tiny pots with herbs planted sitting on my window sill. The word garden might be a little advanced for my little plants. Any how, I have planted 7 different herbs - mint, thyme, rosemary, basil, cilantro, sage and oregano. I have a close family friend with a pretty legit garden and my brother started his own garden a couple years ago - both inspiring me to start mine.
Growing up we always had tomatoes, strawberries, and mint growing in our back yard. They would not produce much, but I remember as a kid getting very excited to see that one tiny strawberry growing. If you know me, you might find it surprising that I was always barefoot outside collecting rocks, bugs, and catching frogs. I guess I always had an affinity for Science with out even realizing it.
During my dietetic internship we worked at a local community garden in Fort Worth. We learned about rain water harvesting, building raised beds, composting, irrigation and so much more. Needless to say I guess I should have realized sooner that this would be a great hobby for me.
After some recent life events and moving into my own place I decided I needed to start a hobby that would allow me to 'care for' something living. Obviously I eventually would love to get a dog, but that was too bold of a move. So I planted my little herbs and patiently waited for them to grow. I was very nervous that they did not have enough sunlight, but just as I was about to get very bummed I saw the tiniest green leaves peaking out from the soil. I can not even remotely contain my excitement or express it properly in words. I felt accomplished, proud, and responsible. I never imagined how rewarding it is to nurse something to life, even something as small as an herb plant. Not to mention how much I will save on buying herbs at the grocery store (always a perk).
Planting a little garden (or big, if you are adventurous and have the space) is a great way to get feel connected to food and nutrition. I suppose that is why the farm to table concept is so trendy right now. It would be a great activity to get the entire family involved, especially kids.
Here is to having a green thumb #dallasnutritionalcounseling
Exposure therapy is when a practitioner creates a safe environment where an individual can be exposed to items or situations that they fear or avoid. During exposures, the individual works to create new, more realistic belief systems about their fears.1 As daunting as exposure therapy may sound, it can also be an empowering experience. Participants learn that they have the power to confront their fears and manage their feelings of anxiety.